EM2301C "Predisposition of COVID-19 Patients to Secondary Infections: Set in Stone or Subject to Change?" (IM GR-011323)

Purpose and Overview

COVID-19 patients are predisposed to secondary infections. There are several factors that might play a role in this predisposition. Some of them may be inherent to COVID-19 itself and may not be modifiable. However, there are other factors that may be modifiable. The aim of this review is to explore the literature, summarize potential predisposing factors to secondary infections and their incidence, and identify potentially preventable factors. It also summarizes a variety of healthcare scenarios in which different kinds of secondary infections occur.

Target Audience

UT Southwestern faculty, fellows, residents and medical students, community physicians, nurse clinicians, physician assistants and nurses.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, the participant should be able to:

  • Name the predisposing factors to secondary infections in COVID-19 patients.
  • Get a basic understanding of how COVID-19 and its treatment itself predisposes patients to secondary infections.
  • Identify changes in standard of care that may have predisposed to secondary infections.
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 AMA
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Photo: First Last, M.D.Madhuri Sopirala, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine

Available Credit

  • 1.00 AMA


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Required Hardware/software

Activities should be run with recent versions of common browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome