1.  Understanding how the study of cortical microcircuits might be harnessed for future clinical treatments.

2. Define the roles of low versus high frequency stimulation during intracranial EEG studies.

3.  Review the available evidence for clinical utility of stimulation in patients with epilepsy undergoing intercranial EEG.

Session date: 
02/14/2024 - 8:00am to 9:00am CST
UT Southwestern Medical Center D1.602
Dallas, TX
United States
  • 1.00 AMA
  • 1.00 Attendance

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Faculty List: 
Course Director(s)

Peter Sguigna, MD

has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Bristol Myers Squibb;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Guidepoint;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Spherix Global Insights;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Genentech;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Medscape;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with EMD Serono;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Genentech;.
has a financial relationship (Intellectual Property Other) with VIC Tech;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Horizon Therapeutics;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Clene NanoMedicine;.
Peer reviewer(s)

Kan Ding

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Keysha Hale, N/A

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Zachary Roesch

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Caren Armstrong

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.