1. Outline existing knowledge of the multiple sclerosis (MS) prodrome and how knowledge of the prodrome may inform approaches to disease prevention.
2. Discuss the timeline from Epstein Barr Virus infection to the development of MS and risk factors for clinical evolution to MS. 
3. Describe novel evidence evaluating the possibility of a prodrome in two other demyelinating conditions, NMOSD and MOGAD

Session date: 
04/10/2024 - 8:00am to 9:00am CDT
United States
  • 1.00 AMA
  • 1.00 Attendance

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Faculty List: 
Course Director(s)

Peter Sguigna, MD

has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Bristol Myers Squibb;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Guidepoint;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Genentech;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Spherix Global Insights;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Genentech;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Medscape;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with EMD Serono;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Clene NanoMedicine;.
has a financial relationship (Intellectual Property Other) with VIC Tech;.
has a financial relationship (Independent contractor) with Horizon Therapeutics;.
Peer reviewer(s)

Kan Ding

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Keysha Hale, N/A

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Zachary Roesch

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Dalia Rotstein, MD, MPH

has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with EMD Serono;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Touch IME;.
has a financial relationship (Grant Or Contract) with Roche;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Biogen;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Roche;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Alexion;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Sanofi Genzyme;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Amgen;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Novartis;.