Thank you for participating in our focus group. Please provide responses to this follow-up questionnaire. We greatly appreciate your time and feedback. CME serves as a professional development vehicle that can help them drive change and achieve goals, in consort with quality improvement efforts, patient safety projects, and other systems changes. * (1) Strongly Disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither (4) Agree (5) Strongly Agree Please complete this sentence: I see the benefits of CME as it relates to… * Do you or your department leaders regularly assess the educational strategy of your CME programs (departmental grand rounds and symposia)? * YES NO If YES, please briefly describe your assessment process. * What part of the CME application do you find most challenging? * Writing learning objectives Articulating educational needs of target audience Define professional practice gaps of target audience Creating the agenda Selecting delivery method Conducting conflict of interest resolution/peer review Creating budget Synthesizing guidelines around support vs exhibiting at CME event Selecting appropriate evaluation and outcomes method Other... What part of the CME application do you find most challenging? Other... How can CME assist with overcoming challenges identified above? * As a CME Course Director, are there any new innovative educational tools would you like to integrate into your upcoming CME activities? * YES NO If YES, please list below. * Leave this field blank