Niloy Jewel Samadder, MD, MSc

I am a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona who specializes in the management of patients with hereditary causes of colon cancer. I am the physician leader of the High Risk Cancer Assessment Program, which provides cancer risk assessment and management to patients with inherited causes of cancer (breast, GI, melanoma, pediatric) and includes the cancer genetic counseling program. This program draws patients from both the intermountain region and beyond, looking for expert clinical management and participation in research.
My research focus has been concentrated on the molecular epidemiology of colorectal cancer and opportunities for chemoprevention in patients with an inherited predisposition to colorectal cancer. Chemoprevention for colorectal cancer is an intriguing possibility that has largely been met with failure. Patients with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis have markedly elevated risks of colorectal and small bowel cancers. Based on preclinical research over the last two decades, we designed a randomized clinical trial which demonstrated the effectiveness of epidermal growth factor receptor and cyclooxygenase inhibition in the regression of duodenal neoplasia in patients with FAP (Samadder, 2016. JAMA). This proof of concept trial has been widely called a “breakthrough” in the field of chemoprevention and re-invigorated a precision cancer prevention strategy. We have now been awarded a follow-up NCI funded multi-center clinical trial - where I will act as the study chair - to determine the optimal dose of erlotinib for neoplasia regression and minimize side effects and translate into routine clinical practice for FAP.
I have also been involved in developing national guidelines for screening in high risk cancer syndromes, including the ASGE Guidelines for endoscopy in familial cancer syndromes and the Canadian-US familial colon cancer clinical practice guidelines.
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