Connie Celum, MD, MPH

Connie Celum, M.D., M.P.H.
Dr. Celum is Professor of Global Health and Medicine, Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology and Director of the International Clinical Research Center in the Department of Global Health at University of Washington. Dr. Celum is an infectious disease epidemiologist with a focus on HIV prevention. She has led multi-center HIV prevention efficacy trials, including genital herpes suppression for prevention of HIV acquisition (HPTN 039) and prevention of HIV transmission and disease progression in HIV serodiscordant couples (Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study). Dr. Celum co-led the Partners PrEP Study a 3 arm trial of tenofovir-based pre-exposure antiretroviral prophylaxis among HIV serodiscordant couples in Kenya and Uganda and a demonstration project of ARV-based prevention in serodiscordant couples in Kenya and Uganda (the Partners Demo project). Dr. Celum is leading implementation science research about PrEP implementation for young women in Kenya, South Africa, and Zimbabwe through the HPTN 082, 3P and POWER studies, HIV self-testing and PrEP for male partners of HIV+ pregnant women in Uganda (Obumu study), and combination HIV prevention studies with decentralized ART initiation in Uganda and South Africa (the DO-ART study).
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