Ann Hawryluk

Senior Clinical Applications Specialist and Senior Clinical Training Specialist, Accuray, Sunnyvale, CA (2008 – present)
- Instructor of CyberKnife classes for Physicians, Radiation Therapists, Physicists and Dosimetrists
- Trained and mentored members of the CyberKnife clinical training team
- Technical expert knowledge of the CyberKnife treatment delivery and planning systems dating back to version 7.2
- Curriculum development for clinical customers and internal audiences
- Subject matter expert and curriculum developer for CyberKnife versions dating back to version 8.0
- Training of clinical staff at upgrades and new system installations
- Led workshops for company employees with many different roles (general new-hire, regulatory, DQA, distributors, sales and marketing)
- Familiarity with CyberKnife clinical literature related to protocols, research studies and patient outcomes
Senior Medical Director for Clinical Services, PPMSI, Foster City, CA (2007-2008)
- Director of Utilization Management and Quality Improvement activities
- Managed a staff of case managers, authorization representatives, and concurrent review nurses
- Oversight of medical authorization process and Health Plan compliance
Department of Pediatrics, Kaiser Permanente, Santa Clara CA (1996 – 2003)
- General clinical practice
- Credentials and Privileges Committee, reviewing the performance of new physicians and approving reappointments of current physicians
- New Physician Mentor and Computerized Medical Records Committee
- Coordinator of the outpatient residency program for Stanford Pediatric Postgraduate Education
- Teaching, scheduling, supervising, coordinating training and providing written reports evaluating the performance of Stanford Residents during their rotation at Kaiser Santa Clara.
- On-site physician resource and study monitor to two clinical research RNs at clinical site contracted for Phase III vaccine studies
Department of Pediatrics, Gould Medical Foundation, Modesto CA (1983 – 1996)
- General clinical practice
- Clinical preceptor and educator for nurse practitioner students from programs in Merced, Fresno, Sacramento and Davis
- Local principal clinical investigator in multi-center clinical trials
- Pediatric consultant to the Stanislaus County Department of Education
- Wrote handbooks and educational materials, made presentations about health issues for diverse audiences of educators, school health nurses, local community physicians, students, and parents.
Chairperson of Pediatrics, Gould Medical Foundation, Modesto CA (1990 – 1996)
- Managed a 6-physician pediatric group with 12 support staff and was responsible for quality assurance and credentialing
Chairperson of Pediatrics, Memorial Medical Center, Modesto CA (1987 – 1989)
- Coordinated the activities of 20 pediatricians and represented their needs to hospital administration, oversaw quality assurance and coordinated hospital call coverage
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- BS in Mechanical Engineering (Biomedical Engineering Program)
- BS in Molecular Biology
- MS in Biomedical Engineering
Harvard Medical School
- Harvard-MIT Joint Program in Health Sciences and Technology (HST)
- MD with Honors, Concentration in Developmental Biology
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA
- Internship and Junior Residency in Pediatrics
University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester MA
- Senior Residency in Pediatrics
- Chief Resident at St. Vincent's Hospital - teaching pediatric residents and medical students
- Board Certified in Pediatrics (lifetime) by the American Academy of Pediatrics
- Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics
- Licensed to practice medicine in the state of CA
Financial relationships
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