jodie trello-rishel
Dr. Trello-Rishel is a Professor of Psychiatry and the Director of the Psychiatry clerkship. She is actively involved in medical student education and lectures on normal development and child psychiatry. As Clerkship Director she has been involved in developing a grading tool for the psychiatry clerkship to help address the problem of grading discrepancy and was awarded the Innovations award in 2014 and the Scholarly Publication award 2017 by the Association of Directors of Medical Educators in Psychiatry. She was also awarded a research and scholarship grant in 2017 by the Association of Directors of Medical Educators in Psychiatry for her project entitled an “Assessment Rubric for Faculty and Resident-Feedback of Students’ Ability to Gather a History and Perform a Mental Status Exam”. Her involvement with the UT system collaborative project in creation of a common DSM 5 curriculum has allowed her to participate in the development and implementation of Team Based Learning in the psychiatry clerkship and receive the award Best Scholarship Paper Award from the Team Based Learning Collaborative in 2018. Dr Trello-Rishel is a Distinguished Fellow in the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and is also past President of the Texas Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
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