Kenneth Iserson

Kenneth V. Iserson, M.D., MBA, FACEP, FAAEM, FIFEM, one of the world’s first residency trained emergency physicians, practiced and taught for nearly three decades at the emergency department/Level 1 Trauma Center at The University of Arizona, where he is now Professor Emeritus. He chaired the medical center’s Bioethics Committee for 25 years and is a founding member of the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine and American College of Emergency Physicians Ethics Committees. The author of hundreds of scientific articles on emergency medicine and biomedical ethics, he has also authored numerous books, including Improvised Medicine: Professional Care in Extreme Environments 2nd ed (McGraw-Hill, 2016), Iserson’s Getting Into a Residency: A Guide for Medical Students, 9th edition (Galen Press, 2019), and The Global Healthcare Volunteer’s Handbook: What You Need to Know Before You Go (Galen Press, January 2014).Dr. Iserson now limits his medical practice to global and disaster medicine and local indigent-care clinics. In the past few years, he has practiced or taught on all seven continents, including 16 months in two tours as Lead Physician for the US Antarctic Program, and work with NGOs in rural areas of Central and South America, Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. He is currently, a Supervisory Physician with Arizona’s Disaster Medical Assistance Team (AZ-1), on the staff of the Clinica Amistad free clinic in Tucson AZ, faculty at the EM residency in Guyana, and the Medical Director (Emeritus) of the Southern Arizona Rescue Association (search & rescue).
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