Natasha Shur, MD
NAME: Natasha Shur
eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login): Children’s National Hospital
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable. Add/delete rows as necessary.)
| Completion Date MM/YYYY
University of Virginia, VA Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY New England Medical Center, MA Montefiore Medical Center, NY Genetics Resident Montefiore
| BA
Resident Fellow | 1997
2005 2007 | Echols Multidisciplinary Scholar MD
Genetics |
Previous appointments: RI, Albany
Current: |
Children's National Genetics | 20009-2017
2017-present |
Medical Geneticist, Children's National |
- Personal Statement
Dr. Shur is a Pediatric Medical Geneticist at the Children’s National Rare Disease Institute, and the lead of Telemedicine for the Division of Genetics and Metabolism. She has been a clinical geneticist for over fifteen years seeing a broad range of patients with specialty expertise in Craniofacial and dysmorphology. Currently, her work centers on improving clinical care models for rare disease in efforts to ease patient burden. In this role, she focus on innovation, leading translational initiatives to develop apps and virtual education, telemedicine clinical programs, working in close collaboration with the Children’s Research Center for Innovation and Telemedicine Divisions. This past year, she had the honor of co-leading the New York Mid-Atlantic Caribbean Regional Genetics Network (NYMAC) DC committee, which focuses on improving access to genetics care and addressing healthcare disparities. She also has served in the Ray Helfer Society for three years and published extensively on differentiating genetic causes from other causes of fractures and hemorrhage.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:11/16/2021Date updated:11/16/2021
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