Ravi Thadhani
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NAME: Thadhani, Ravi I., MD, MPH
eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login): rthadhani
POSITION TITLE: Chief Academic Officer, Mass General Brigham
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable. Add/delete rows as necessary.)
| Completion Date MM/YYYY
University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN | B.S. | 06/1987 | Liberal Arts |
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA | M.D. | 06/1991 | Medicine |
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA | M.P.H | 06/1997 | Epidemiology |
A. Personal Statement
As the Chief Academic Officer of Mass General Brigham, Dr. Thadhani manages a ~ $2.3B research enterprise. He oversees several key system-wide departments at MGB, including Human Subjects Affairs, the Clinical Trials Office, Research Management, the MGB Biobank, and Graduate Medical Education comprising over 2400 residents and fellows across MGB. For ~25 years Dr. Thadhani managed a research laboratory with a focus on kidney disease and, importantly, developing diagnostics and therapeutics for women with complications in pregnancy. Together with his basic science colleague, he discovered, developed, and translated to the clinic novel diagnostics and therapeutics for women with severe preterm preeclampsia. He has published over 300 manuscripts and has been inducted into severalhonor societies (American Clinical and Climatological Association, American Society of Clinical Investigation, Association of American Physicians). He is a standing member of FDA’s Cardio-Renal Division Advisory Panel and on the Board of Directors of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, MA.
B. Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
1991-1992 Intern in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
1992-1994 Assistant Resident in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
1996 Chief Resident in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
1994-1996 Clinical and Research Fellow in Medicine (Nephrology), Massachusetts General Hospital
1994-1996 Research Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School
1997-2018 Associate Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital
1998-2001 Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
2001-2004 Associate Program Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Clinical Research Center
2001-2018 Senior Scientist, Department of Obstetrics, Massachusetts General Hospital
2002-2004 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
2002-2013 Director of Clinical Research in Nephrology, Massachusetts General Hospital
2005-2012 Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
2005-2010 Co-Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Clinical Research Center
2010-2012 Senior Clinical Research Advisor to the Chief Scientific Officer at Partners Healthcare
2011-2013 Co-Chair, Partners Research IT Committee at Partners Healthcare
2012-2017 Associate Director, reporting to the Chief Academic Officer, Partners Healthcare
2012- Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
2013-2017 Chief of Nephrology, Massachusetts General Hospital
2015-2017 Executive Director, Clinical Trials Office, Partners Healthcare
2017 Clinical Consultant, Center for Environmental Health Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2017-2019 Vice Dean for Research and Education, Cedars Sinai Medical Center
2019- Chief Academic Officer, Mass General Brigham
2019- Dean for Academic Programs at Mass General Brigham, Harvard Medical School
Academic and Professional Honors
1987 University of Guam Professional Student Award
1987 Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude, University of Notre Dame
1990 Alpha Omega Alpha, University of Pennsylvania
1991 Nathan and Paulin Pincus Prize, Outstanding Achievement as a Clinician,
University of Pennsylvania
1991 Alfred Stengel MD Memorial Prize, Academic Excellence for Academic Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania
2000 Harvard Medical School Class of 2000 Clinical Teaching Award
2000 Harvard Medical School, Daniel D. Federman Outstanding Clinical Educator Award
2008 American Society of Clinical Investigation, Inducted Member
2008 American Epidemiological Society, Inducted Member
2008 Honorary Degree, Distinguished Professor, Panamerican University, Mexico City, Mexico
2009 Appreciation Award, Guam Medical Association 2009 Annual Event
2009 Appreciation Award, American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting Planning Committee
2011 Priscilla Kincaid-Smith Visiting Professor, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia
2011 Kathleen Valles Visiting Professor, St. George’s Hospital, London, England
2011 Recognition Award, American Nephrologists of Indian Origin
2011 Jaime Herrera Acosta Honorary Lecture, Instituto Mexicano de Investigaciones Nefrologicas
2012 Shaul Massry Distinguished Lecture Award, National Kidney Foundation
2012 Saulo Klahr Lecture Award, Department of Medicine, Washington University of St. Louis
2013 Dr. KS Chugh Oration Award, Annual Conference of the International Society of Nephrology, New Delhi
2014 Kleeman Visiting Scholar, UCLA Annual Visiting Scholar, Los Angeles, California
2014 Helen Randall Dunham Cardio-Renal Lecturer, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
2014 Alumni Award of Merit from the Harvard School of Public Health
2014 Outstanding Speaker Award, American Association of Clinical Chemistry
2015 Association of American Physicians, Inducted Member
2015 American Society of Nephrology, Robert W. Schrier Endowed Lectureship
2016 Honors for Outstanding Contributions in Nephrology Research & Education, International Society of Nephrology & American Nephrologists of Indian Origin
2016 Irene Tamagna Honorary Lecture in Hypertension, George Washington University, Department of Medicine, Washington, DC
2017 Charles Austin MD Visiting Professor Honorary Lectureship, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX
2017 Harold Amos Faculty Diversity Award, Harvard Medical School/Harvard School of Dental Medicine
2019 American Clinical and Climatological Association, Inducted Member
2020 John P. Peters Award, American Society of Nephrology
2021 Gregory Pincus Memorial Award (Shared with Dr. Karumanchi) for Pioneering work in Women’s Health
C. Contributions to Science
My research efforts are divided into two main areas: Pregnancy and Dialysis.
Pregnancy studies center on human research supporting recent findings emerging from basic science collaborations in the area of angiogenic factors and preeclampsia. I have performed pilot and proof-of-concept studies, retrospective and prospective studies, and planned and performed interventional trials. This work has been funded by several federal and foundation grants. A diagnostic test we developed is currently in the clinic in Europe. My recent focus is on a therapy for preeclampsia, and I am actively performing first-in-human randomized trials based on extensive pilot studies (Circulation 2011). I have several grants, invited speaking events, book chapters, and publications in this area, including invited commentaries. We recently received funding (Kaneka Pharmaceuticals) to perform a pilot clinical trial to obtain safety and efficacy data prior to a registrational study.
- Thadhani R, Kisner T, Hagmann H, Bossung V, Noack S, Schaarschmidt W, Jank A, Kribs A, Cornely O, Kreyssig C, Hemphill L, Rigby AC, Khedkar S, Lindner TH, Mallmann P, Stepan H, Karumanchi SA, Benzing T. A Pilot Study of Extracorporeal Removal of Soluble Fms-like Tyrosine Kinase 1 in Preeclampsia. Circulation 2011;124:940-50.
- Thadhani R, Hagmann H, Schaarschmidt W, Roth B, Cingoez T, Karumanchi SA, Wenger J, Lucchesi KJ, Tamez H, Lindner T, Fridman A, Thome U, Kribs A, Danner M, Hamacher S, Mallmann P, Stepan H, Benzing T. Removal of Soluble Fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase-1 by Dextran Sulfate Apheresis in Preeclampsia. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Mar;27(3):903-13.
In dialysis, I examined the effect of vitamin D in the survival of chronic hemodialysis patients. These series of observational studies have included thousands of dialysis patients throughout the U.S. Our studies have been confirmed by over 25 independent investigators world-wide. Clinical practices (academic and non-academic) have implemented practice patterns aligned with this work, and national and international practice guidelines have highlighted these studies. Acknowledging the observational nature of this work, however, I pursued animal models examining the cardiac effects of vitamin D with basic science collaborators. Our series of human and animal experimental studies led to an investigator initiated (Thadhani, PI) multicenter multinational (> 60 centers world-wide) clinical trial in patients with kidney disease (e.g., PRIMO – Paricalcitol benefits in Renal Insufficiency associated cardiac Morbidity, clinicaltrials.gov NCT00497146). PRIMO is the first randomized trial in nephrology to test the hypothesis that active vitamin D therapy favorably affects cardiac hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction. We coordinated the entire study and our top-line results were recently published (JAMA 2012). Several additional national and international studies including follow-up studies in the general population (e.g., VITAL) are ongoing.
- Thadhani R, Appelbaum E, Pritchett Y, Chang Y, Wenger J, Tamez H, Bhan I, Agarwal R, Zoccali C, Wanner C, Lloyd-Jones D, Cannata J, Thompson B, Andress D, Zhang W, Packham D, Singh B, Zehnder D, Shah A, Pachika A, Manning W, Solomon S. Vitamin D Therapy and Cardiac Structure and Function in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease; The PRIMO Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2012;307:674-84.
- Teng M, Wolf M, Lowrie E, Ofsthun N, Lazarus JM, Thadhani R. Survival of patients undergoing hemodialysis with paricalcitol or calcitriol therapy. N Engl J Med 2003;349:446-56.
We have also pursued randomized trials testing the benefit of nutritional vitamin D in dialysis patients (DIVINE, clinicaltrials.gov NCT00892099). Finally, we recently put forward the concept that Bio-available Vitamin D is physiologically the important metabolite to determine vitamin D status (NEJM 2013).
- Powe CE, Evans MK, Wenger J, Zonderman AB, Tamez H, Berg A, Bhan I, Karumanchi SA, Powe NR, Thadhani R. Vitamin D Binding Protein and Vitamin D Status in White and Black Americans. N Eng J Med 2013 Nov 21;369(21):1991-2000.
- Berg AH, Karumanchi SA, Thadhani R. Vitamin D-Binding Protein Deficiency and Homozygous Deletion of the GC Gene. N Engl J Med. 2019 Jun 27;380(26):2584-2585.
Complete List of Published Work:
D. Additional Information: Research Support and/or Scholastic Performance
Ongoing Research Support
PRAECIS Study (Thadhani, MPI) 2018-2023
Cedars Sinai Medical Center & ThermoFisher Scientific Brahms Biomarkers France
Preeclampsia Risk Assessment: Evaluation of Cut-offs to Improve Stratification. Multicenter study to validate biomarkers that can predict development of preeclampsia with severe features.
Role: Principal Investigator (MPI)
$1,500,000 (direct costs)
Completed Research Support
IRO90262 (Thadhani, PI) 10/20/10-10/19/20
University of Alberta (Canadian Institutes of Health Research)
Clinical, Biochemical and Genetic Risk Factors for CAC and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH)
(Longitudinal US Canadian Incident Dialysis Study: LUCID Study MPI Proposal)
The major goal of this project is to examine genetic risk factors for CAC and left ventricular hypertrophy in end stage renal disease.
Role: Principal Investigator
R01 DK088762-06 (de Boer, PI) 02/24/16-01/31/20
Randomized trial of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids for diabetic kidney disease
The major goal of this project is to evaluate the long-term effects of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids on DKD.
Role: Co-Investigator
R01 DK094486-06 (Thadhani, PI) 07/17/12-02/28/19
Redefining Vitamin D Deficiency: The Role of Bioavailable Vitamin D
The major goal of this project is to determine how bioavailable vitamin D alters the definition of vitamin D deficiency in a large diverse US population.
T32DK007540-31A (Thadhani, PI) 07/01/17–12/01/17
Training for Multidisciplinary Research in Nephrology
The major goal of this project is to offer comprehensive multidisciplinary research training to four highly selected postdoctoral trainees in Nephrology.
Role: Principal Investigator
K24 DK094872-05 (Thadhani, PI) 04/15/12-03/31/17
Patient Oriented Studies of Vitamin D in Chronic Kidney Disease
The major goal of this project is to mentor Nephrology fellows interested in becoming patient oriented investigators.
Role: Principal Investigator
Contract (Thadhani, PI) 09/29/16-12/01/17
Kaneka Corporation
Coordinating Center Agreement: Removal of Anti-Angiogenic Proteins in Preeclampsia before Delivery: 3rd Cohort (RAAPID-3)
The major goal of this project is to test whether dextran sulfate apheresis removes sFlt-1 and is safe in pregnancy.
Role: Principal Investigator
R01 HL112746-03 (Thadhani & Wang, PI) 03/01/12-02/28/16
Impact of Vitamin D supplementation on cardiac status and function
The major goal of this project was to perform an ancillary study of cardiac structure and function (echocardiogram) among a subset of participants in randomized trial (VITAL) of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids taking place throughout the U.S.
Role: Principal Investigator
Financial relationships
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Grant Or ContractIneligible company:ThermoFisherTopic:PE DiagnosticsDate added:05/27/2022Date updated:05/27/2022Relationship end date:06/30/2023
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