Rodrigo Del Rio, PhD
My main research line studies the field of neural control of cardiorespiratory regulation in the setting of
highly prevalent human diseases using pre-clinical animal models. Specifically, how brainstem
(pre)sympathetic neurons regulate the (patho)physiological phenomena occurring in noncommunicable
diseases such as heart failure, hypertension and metabolic disorders. I have published more than 100 peer-
reviewed scientific papers and presented more than 200 communications in national and international
meetings studying the role of these neurons on the genesis and progression of sleep apneas, breathing
pattern disruptions, cardiac arrhythmias and contractile dysfunction, using state-of-the-art techniques of
neurobiology (opto/chemogenetics, intracerebral immunotoxin and drug delivery, live cell recording,
electrophysiology) combined with (non)invasive physiological variables recording (EKG, blood pressure,
ventilation, intraventricular catheterization) and molecular biology for investigating the underlying
mechanisms responsible of neuron-dependent cardiorespiratory dysfunction. I have also been able to
establish a wide collaborative network with academic and industrial partners for accomplishing our
objectives. I trained 7 graduate students, of which 6 of them are currently in academic positions at Chilean
Recently, I have explored I+D ideas by developing novel antioxidant-rich natural extracts with cardio/neuroprotective effects in order to transfer this development into a more translational perspective.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:09/29/2023Date updated:09/29/2023
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