EM1609F "Managing Unnecessary Care" (IM GR-092316)

Health outcomes in the United States lag behind other developed nations despite health expenditures that are exceptionally high and growing. This disparity has led many to conclude that healthcare services are overused in the U.S., a phenomenon driven by a perfect storm of patient, provider, and institutional determinants. Overuse has been defined as the provision of care in circumstances where the potential for harm exceeds the potential for benefit. In this lecture, I will describe the problem of overuse of healthcare services in the U.S. and provide a framework for exploring interventions that might be applied at a population-, episodic- or patient-level. I will provide examples of interventions that have been already implemented and tested in various care settings, and describe in detail the work that my colleagues and I have been doing regarding measurement of overuse.

Target Audience

UT Southwestern faculty, fellows, residents and medical students, community physicians, nurse clinicians, physician assistants and nurses.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, the participant should be able to:

  • Define overuse of healthcare resources
  • Provide three examples of interventions that have impacted on overuse
  • List at least one moral argument supporting Physician Aid in Dying and more moral argument against.
  • Describe the goals of Choosing Wisely and provide an example of an item on a Choosing Wisely® list
  • Explain an approach to measuring overuse
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 AMA
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Jodi Beth Segal, M.D., M.P.H.

Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Policy and Management
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health
General Internal Medicine Visiting Professor

Available Credit

  • 1.00 AMA


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Required Hardware/software

Activities should be run with recent versions of common browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome