EM1908D "Delirium: Evidence-Based Practice for 2019" (IM GR-080219)
The purpose of this lecture is to review delirium risk assessment, prevention, identification and management.
Target Audience
UT Southwestern faculty, fellows, residents and medical students, community physicians, nurse clinicians, physician assistants and nurses.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant should be able to:
- Recognize the morbidity and mortality associated with delirium
- Discuss predisposing and precipitating factors for delirium and use these factors to assess patients’ delirium risk
- List evidence-based delirium prevention measures
- Perform a rapid screening test for delirium in hospitalized older adults
- Discuss the literature regarding the management of delirium
Sarah Wingfield, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Geriatrics
Dr. Wingfield has been a faculty member at UT Southwestern since 2016. She founded and directs the UTSW Perioperative Optimization of Senior Health (POSH) program which is an interprofessional perioperative bridge program designed to improve the outcomes of high risk older adults undergoing elective surgical procedures at Clements University Hospital (CUH) and Zale Lipshy University Hospital (Zale). She also founded and directs the inpatient geriatrics consult service at CUH and Zale. She is involved in medical education as the director of the ambulatory geriatrics rotation for internal medicine interns and as a UT Southwestern Colleges mentor. Her particular interests include medical education, acute care geriatrics, perioperative care and complex surgical decision making in older adults.
Available Credit
- 1.00 AMA
Required Hardware/software
Activities should be run with recent versions of common browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome