Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium and Dallas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium

Dallas, TX US
March 5, 2014 to March 9, 2014
The Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium is designed to take the participant from the basic fundamentals of rhinoplasty through the latest refinements and advancements in technique. It will consist of didactic lectures, cadaver dissections, panel discussions, question-and-answer periods, and evening DVD sessions. An anatomic nasal dissection DVD will be provided to all participants registered for the anatomy laboratory. Participants will observe experienced surgeons demonstrate advanced closed and open rhinoplasty techniques via unedited videotaped surgery. Participants may directly engage in questions and answers with the surgeons.
The Dallas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium will focus on controversies and advances in facial, breast and body contouring procedures including the use of fat for augmenting the face, breast and buttock. Attendees will become familiar with the latest techniques and advances in cosmetic surgery. A live demonstration of the use of injectables, including new products on the market, will allow for a broad overview of products, facial analysis, and techniques. An optional cadaver course will be available to highlight the surgical techniques described.


Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
03/05/2014 - 6:00am CST
Event ends: 
03/09/2014 - 11:30am CDT
Westin Galleria Dallas
13340 Dallas Pkwy
Dallas, TX 75240
United States


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