TSRH's "Pediatric Orthopedic Education Series (POES)" (JS2002H)
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children presents a Pediatric Orthopedic Education Series (POES): Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Topics for Health Care Professionals. This is a seminar for pediatricians, family practitioners, physician assistants, advanced practice nurses and allied health professionals. The POES event has traveled from El Paso to Tyler, and from Plano to McAllen providing information on the latest in orthopedic treatments and evaluations. This one day conference will highlight common pediatric orthopedic conditions, their etiology, identification, and management in pediatric and adolescent populations. Presenters will update attendees on new developments and enhance their understanding of orthopedic conditions pertinent to primary care settings, and will feature opportunities to apply knowledge in clinical situations.
Learning Objectives
(1) Participants will be able to employ pediatric orthopaedic examination skills and apply improved diagnostic skills towards the management of common orthopaedic problems that present to the pediatrician and/or family practitioner
(2) Participants will analyze and discuss the relationship between orthopaedic diagnoses and psychology and how these are best managed.
Christine Ho, MD
Laura Griffiths
Louise Hamilton
Lisa Sherman
Lauren Cox, PhD
Archana Dhar
Emily Gale, PhD, LP, ABPP
Christine Ho, MD
Harry Kim
Amy McIntosh, MD
Shane Miller, Shane M. Miller, MD, FAAP
David Podeszwa, M.D.
Brandon Ramo, MD.
Anthony Riccio, MD
Heather Richard, PsyD
Katie Stewart, MD
Philip Wilson, M.D.
Robert Wimberly, M.D.
Available Credit
- 6.00 AMA
- 6.00 Attendance
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